Should Credit Card Companies Be Allowed To Promote Credit card On College Campuses? Jarod Dunker COM. 156 Monica Desir Credit card companies should be allowed to market towards college students on campus. There are many benefits in possessing a realisation card as a college student. Some of these include construction their impute for larger purchases later, emergency purposes, purchasing supplies and books for their college supplies, and many more. Parents fool to teach their children at a young age almost credit and how it works and credit cards are a perfect way to do this. In fact credit cards have become a fact of manner on college campuses with a reported $13 billion in discretionary income for these students (Kara, Kaynak, & Kucukemiroglu, 1994). There have been several studies conducted over the years to find whether or not college students should have credit cards and the impact on the students who do have them. matchless of these studies had been conducted by the U.S. oecumenical Accounting obligation in 2001. In this study they found that most college administrators viewed credit card work by students as being something positive. (U.S. General Accounting office p.
2) In this same study they found that some of the advantages of using credit cards include: establishing credit, medical or family associate emergencies, making travel arrangements and having openment conveniences such as shopping by telephone or via the Internet (U.S. General Accounting office p.3, 9). In another survey that came appear in 1998 by the Education Resources Institute and according to this 77% of students used their credit cards for routine personal expenses and 67% of students used it for occasional and emergency expenses (The Educational Institute p.10). In this survey they also found out that most montage students used their credit cards responsibly. Many of these students, 59%, pay off their balances immediately and of the 41% that... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay
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